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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good Morning Green Juice

I know. It's been way too looooooonnnnngggggg since last I blogged. life has distracted me I guess or I have not become inspired. Well that is all over now because...don don donna...I have become inspired this snowy winter morning to blog my incredible green juice recipe. I arose feeling a bit salty. Yes I said 'salty'. that is my word for feeling as though I consumed a bit too much sodium the night before. Could have been the sesame miso sauce I made last night to go with my steamed any rate I feel a bit puffy and wanted to have something for breakfast that could balance my 'salt hangover'. Suddenly a light shined from above and I thought, GREEN JUICE. Perfect. Now, first you need a juicer. Obviously. I use a Breville. Works great and clean up is very easy. Secondly, and I'm sure this will not come to any surprise to you when I remind you that you must must must only use organic produce when juicing. There is really no exception here cause if you don't, all those pesticides and herbicides will get even more concentrated into your juice and that would be no bueno. So on we go to the recipe. You can always substitute the collard greens with kale, the celery with cucumbers and the meyer lemon with a regular lemon if you like. juice it up and enjoy!

1/2 bunch of collard greens

4 celery stalks

2 red apples

2 in fresh ginger (I like it spicy but if you don't lessen the ginger)

1 cup fresh pineapple

1/2 meyer lemon (you can juice with the skin on or off. I like it off.)

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